Friday, October 24, 2014


For all its ups and downs, I have come to conclude that blogging is a practice that helps ground me. In my last post back in January, I was enthusiastic, inspired and clear about my direction. I was ready to rock and roll!

That was nine long months ago and I think the obvious absence of 'Just Jubby' reflects my detachment from the passion and spirit of that person.

So, what happened?

In March this year I decided to withdraw completely from my course. I was frustrated with my studies and keen to forge ahead with my own creative journey - to be a genuine and self-motivated artist!

My hopes and ambitions were high but sadly little has been done since then toward advancing that dream. I have hardly read, written or created. I have been bedridden on three occasions with respiratory illnesses and considering that I am the person known in my household as the one with the cast-iron constitution, it has rocked my confidence and left me feeling fragile.

So, why?

In reflecting and sharing since I was last unwell (two weeks ago), it has become apparent that fears and worries have once again gotten the better of me. I was taking on responsibility for things that were beyond my brief which has taken a toll on my mental and emotional resources. I have lost my way.

So, what now?

It is back to the drawing board, literally and metaphorically :) Experience tells me that it is time to regain some power, trust my instinct, and get back to following my heart.

So, how?

You may have heard of Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements, well here are Jubby's Four Practices:

Onwards and upwards people!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


India Flint

I came across this wonderful video yesterday whilst catching up on all things Just Jody!

It is a charming feature that poetically describes India's work and her thought processes as she goes about her days whilst on a three week residency at Fife in Scotland.

I love that she is so at one with her work - her ink stained hands and tattoos, and her wonderfully hand-crafted clothes. I was mesmerized watching this and only wanted to view it again and again and again...

Being (t)here from Tracey McConnell-Wood on Vimeo.

India's work ( has a sense of familiarity for me as I have been working in a similar fashion recently - not nearly as poetically though :) I am finding that the "site" has particular significance for me, specifically as it relates to my past.

The following are works that I created by bleeding rusty objects onto cloth. I collected these objects last year, on a trip I made to the Mallee where my mother spent her early years.

By working through and completing my Diploma in Visual Arts last year, I have learnt so much about why I create the work I do and how important it is to me living authentically and with passion. In fact, I cannot imagine my life now without it.

Still lacking so much confidence, I find that this study, with its supportive teaching staff, as well as my extraordinary family and friends, is what gives me the courage to face the inordinate challenge that is putting myself "out there"!

India, as well as those close to me who are pushing their own boundaries, are also a constant source of inspiration!

Keep on keepin' on people... and Happy New Year!