Sunday, June 17, 2012

Back in the swing!

Having been suffering from some back pain in the last few weeks, I took the opportunity yesterday to go and have a quick massage.  I came home feeling completely wrecked, as you do when you finally act on that long overdue call to 'take care' and 'nuture'.

It was late-afternoon on a dim wintery Melbourne day, dinner was bubbling away nicely in the slow cooker and so I extended 'that call' and took a short nap.
I woke about 1/2 hour later with that snuggly, warm, rested feeling. Rain was trickling gently outside, the day was coming to a close and most importantly of all, there was nothing that I had to do. I have missed this feeling.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Well, I thought it would never be done and have almost expired in the process BUT I finally managed to complete all of my study requirements for the semester. I hate rushing the creative process and forceful squashing of the perfectionist in me was required numerous times (eeek!) in order to make the finish line... but I did it!

I am forever grateful for those that have so patiently and consistently heard my wails of despair!!!  It has been a long and arduous year and I am so thankful for their generosity and support.

From the outside looking in, you could be forgiven for thinking that all this emotional turmoil is hardly worth the effort but as always for me, it is all in the personal learning journey and I have learnt a multitude of lessons here.  Of most note are these - one, that it definitely is worth it (easy to say in hindsight I know!) and the other - that I must prioritise time for quiet reflection if my life is to have true purpose and meaning.

With the benefit of some of space now (and soon to be energy I hope!) that will be my focus.


After dragging my poor daughter and her friend out of bed on their day off yesterday (so that I could hand in my work), we spent a wonderful day wandering around the City.  Perfect!